Expand use of alternative modes

T5: Increase use of alternative modes (bike, walking, carpool) and commute alternatives.

The Shared Use Mobility Center’s Learning Module offers a comprehensive overview of funding strategies for shared mobility pilot projects, with many examples. Their Micromobility Policy Atlas provides interactive access to bike, e-bike, and scooter policies around the world across a dozen areas of regulation and management.

T5.1 Walk/bike infrastructure *
Coordinate cities’ and Thurston County’s Master Bicycle and Pedestrian plans into a large regional plan to expand walking and biking infrastructure, including separated and protected opportunities. Coordinate efforts to maximize funding mechanisms and opportunities.

T5.2 Barriers to transportation alternatives *
Develop a regional inventory to identify gaps in connectivity for safe cycling and walking. Then develop a strategy to prioritize projects and a plan for funding.

T5.3 Biking to work
Require municipal and large employers to provide a shower and/or changing area for employees to facilitate biking to work, and secure/dry bike parking. Provide financial incentives for employer‐sponsored bicycle programs.

T5.4 School drop-off alternative modes *
Maintain and expand a walking/biking incentive program with safety education for families.

T5.5 Bike maps
Continue updating and promoting map of bicycle routes showing connections to bike lanes.

T5.6 Park & pool
Require covered and safe bike storage at carpooling and pick up locations.

T5.7 Urban bikeshare
Pilot and, if successful, implement a bike/scooter share program.

T5.8 Teleworking
Support teleworking options.

T5.9 Trail-centered planning
Zoning around trails – locate mixed use, worksites along trails
Fones corridor – optimize industrial lands along existing trail

T5.10 Complete streets
Increase transportation grid density in residential and other areas by creating walking/ bike only connections that break up large blocks.

T5.11 Car-free zones *
Reevaluate long term plans and update to prioritize pedestrians and people riding bikes. Set goals for mode shift and plans on how to achieve those goals like developing car‐free corridors in commercial and mixed use areas to encourage mode shift.

T5.12 Bike transit
Coordinate a meeting with bicycle advocacy groups and transit agencies to explore barriers (eg. limited bike storage on bus). Prioritize solutions and develop plan to reduce barriers.

T5.13 Telecommuting infrastructure * (See also T5.8 Teleworking.)
Develop grants and provide financial resources for installation of infrastructure necessary to support telecommuting.

T5._ Improve commute trip reduction programs

T5._ Transit benefit ordinances
Have employers offer workers the option of a pre-tax payroll deduction for their expenses commuting using alternative modes.

T5._ Multi-modal concurrency
Adopt multimodal level of service (LOS) standards and performance measures that include sidewalks, bike lanes, WTA transit, multiuse recreation trails, as well as vehicles for use in meeting the GMA requirements for providing needed transportation improvement concurrently with new development.

T5._E-Bike lending libraries
Loans of electric bikes and cargo bikes to let people try them out.

T5._Personal transportation emissions carbon trading

T5._Electric micro-mobility
Electrify bikes, scooters, skateboards, cargo bikes, etc.

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