Transportation & Land Use

T1: Set land use policies that support efficient transportation networks.

T1.1 Urban infill
Increase local government incentives (e.g., tax credits and fee waivers) to make urban infill and redevelopment projects more viable financially.

T1.2 Middle-density housing
Expand middle- and higher-density housing near the region’s urban corridors and centers which feature public transit. Ensure such development includes options affordable to all sectors of the community.

T1.3 Ecodistricts
Develop ecodistricts to manage energy, waste and other services at district scale.

T1.4 Climate-ready development and land use
Identify key accessibility components for 20-minute neighborhoods: e.g., schools, parks, grocery store, retail services, etc. Conduct a network gap analysis to determine needs. Identify steps to improve the number and distribution of 20-minute neighborhoods.

T1.5 Clustered development
Encourage clustered developments to conserve farmland and forests.

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