Reduce Water Consumption

W2.1 Municipal water ordinance
Develop a mandatory municipal water conservation ordinance.

W2.2 Water audits *
Conduct water audits of city and county facilities to determine prioritization of capital improvements.

W2.3 Water conservation outreach
Expand water conservation outreach and incentive programs for residents and businesses through new funding sources (ex. grants) and partnerships.

W2.4 Permitting
Review and update building code to ensure most efficient water practices and technologies are applied to new development.

W2.5 Rural conservation
Offer incentives for rural “exempt” wells to conserve water.

W2.6 Agricultural water use
Evaluate agricultural water use and develop a program to buy back or reclaim excess capacity.

W2.7 Low-water landscaping
Require water landscaping conservation practices for new development.

W2.8 Integrated incentives
Integrate City incentives for water and wastewater reductions with other aligned incentive programs (ex. PSE rebates for washing machines and dishwater energy savings) to encourage broader usage and conservation.

W2.9 Tiered rates
Study effectiveness and strategies for conservation with tiered rating structures for water and sewer, and if proven, apply new rate structures.

W2.10 Water reuse
Develop a water reuse program for water conservation on site. Provide technical assistance and incentives, such as free rain barrels, to gather water and use on site (e.g., rain barrels for irrigation).

W2.10b Reclaimed water
Expand the use of reclaimed water, especially where needed for irrigation.

W2.11 Watering schedule
Institute mandatory watering schedule that limits irrigation to certain days.

W2.12 Focus on high users
Identify greatest water users and provide targeted technical outreach and support to reduce water consumption.

W2.13 Combined sewer
Separate combined sewer and stormwater system. Start with feasibility study and follow through on findings.

W2.14 Plumbing codes
Improve plumbing codes to reflect new water conservation methods.

W2.15 Renter incentives
Develop and offer incentives for water conservation targeted to renters and multifamily residential units.

W2.16 Metering
Use metering to inform water consumers about their use compared to others on their utility bill. Provide technical assistance and education to higher users on ways to conserve water and improve household/business efficiencies.

W2.17 Gray water use

W2.18 HOA watering outreach
Provide education and technical assistance to HOAs related to revising covenants that may be causing increase water consumption and/or prohibiting energy savings (ex. lawns must be irrigated and green, no water barrels).

W2.19 Well conversion to public systems
Provide technical assistance to rural “exempt” well owners to convert to public water systems when service connections are available.

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