
W2.16 Metering
Use metering to inform water consumers about their use compared to others on their utility bill. Provide technical assistance and education to higher users on ways to conserve water and improve household/business efficiencies.

Water Online has an overview of ways in which smart water meter data might be used to support conservation, and mentions current examples of a few of them.

A five year study in Sydney Australia, found that households with an in-home display of their water usage reduced it an average of 6.8% compared to the control group. (This 2014 paper also reviews some previous research, which was mostly on the effects of feedback on energy use.)

“Using Smart Meters for Household Water Consumption Feedback: Knowns and Unknowns”, does a more comprehensive review focused on water conservation.

“Exploring the Energy Benefits of Advanced Water Metering” looks at that issue – in California.

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