Efficient transportation land use policies

T1: Set land use policies that support efficient transportation networks.

T1.1a Urban infill incentives
Evaluate impact fees and connection charges that if reduced or waived would generate more development where transit services already exist.

T1.1b Coordinated long term planning for future infill [Develop transit corridors] *
Coordinate long-term plans with transit agencies to project where increased density would support more transit corridors. Then change zoning/density that would support new transit corridors and variety of household incomes. Promote long-term equity and healthy communities by developing incentives such as density bonuses for development where a percentage of the units will be permanently affordable for household incomes.

T1.2 Middle-density housing *
Reevaluate and change zoning as needed to allow for a range of housing types to promote social economic integration of housing near the region’s urban centers or moderate-density zones.

T1.3 Ecodistricts *
Identify potential Eco districts to advance innovative district-scale urban development, sustainability and neighborhood equity. Then make necessary code/zoning changes to support their development and set ambitious performance outcomes to ensure their long-term success.

T1.4 20-Minute neighborhoods *
Increase the number of 20 minute neighborhoods (walkable environment, destinations that support a range of basic living needs and a residential density). Identify key infrastructure components needed to grow the number of 20 minute neighborhoods, then change zoning and codes if needed and coordinate with other jurisdictions to make public investments where necessary.

T1.5 Clustered development
Encourage clustered developments to conserve farmland and forests.

T1.6 Climate-aware UGB
Amend county wide planning policies to require analysis of climate impacts, the costs to mitigate those impacts, and the costs to ensure efficient transit (ex. public transit services) to inform future Urban Growth Area expansions and Annexations of current UGA. Then weigh those costs and impacts with opportunities and investment needed to accommodate people and business within annexed areas and approved UGAs.

T1.7 Climate impact fee
Investigate and implement options for creating a regional impact fee structure that would incorporate climate impacts of new construction in urban and rural areas, which would be used to fund regional climate mitigation projects

T1.8 Neighborhood centers (See T1.4?)
Define neighborhood centers, identify locations where their development would foster transportation corridors to reduce travel distances for basic errands and community interaction. Then review and revise local codes, zones and planning documents to allow their development.

T1.9 Accessory dwelling units *
Amend development codes to allow for attached and detached ADU’s in urban residential areas.

T1.10 MFTE (See T1.1 Urban infill incentives.)
Expand Multifamily Tax Exemption Programs to increase residential development where services exist, and consider extending exemption timeframes.

T1.11 Land use efficiency * [See T1.1b – Coordinated long term planning for future infill [Develop transit corridors]
Set integrated goals to consider network efficiency in land use decisions, including how density in certain areas supports transit, increases efficiency of utility service, and other support facilities. Consider VMT in identifying locations for large employment facilities.

T1.12 Corridor-centered development
Increase residential and mixed use development along designated transit corridors with monetary incentives such as tax incentives and improved fee structures. Determine impact fees and connection charges that, if reduced or waived, would generate denser development where services already exist.

T1.13 Downtown development
Work with developers and investors to identify barriers to new investment and reinvestment projects of residential and commercial in Olympia’s downtown urban centers. Then develop and implement policy changes and incentive programs in response.

T1.14 Vehicle miles traveled caps
Require caps on VMT or vehicle trips for development on Olympia’s Capitol Campus and other public development near clustered government offices.

T1.15 Land use emissions
Revaluate emissions tracking data for land use to ensure accuracy and tracking changes and to inform future regulatory policy in land use.

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