Street Tree Plan

A6.2 Street tree plan
Create a comprehensive street tree plan and/or planting guide, prioritizing goals for carbon sequestration, climate change resiliency, and other equitably distributed co-benefits. Include species that will thrive under future climate conditions and are resilient to extreme weather patterns. Include requiring sufficient tree-rooting volume and structural soil technologies to improve drainage and reduce compaction.

The EPA’s webpage on emissions calculations includes a section on calculating the reductions from urban tree seedlings grown for ten years.

Olympia’s Master Street Tree plan was adopted in 2001, expired in 2011, and has not been updated since.
Lacey’s 2013 Urban Forestry Management Plan is to be updated every five years.
Tumwater is in the process of updating its Urban Forestry Plan (1996) and Street Tree Master Plan (2002)

MRSC’s webpage on Urban Forestry and Street Trees has links to programs and ordinances around the state as well as other resources.

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