
G1._ Ecochallenges
Web based social engagement to help support new behaviors, share experiences, and earn points and prizes with a team. runs a variety of these 21 day events, for campuses, for workplaces, for groups working through one of their six week reading and discussion programs, or for web connected participants all around the globe through The People’s EcoChallenge. Each program offers a wide variety of possible actions for participants to choose from, and some resources for each potential action.

Chinatown CDC used WeGoWise water data management software to support a water efficiency contest between residents in three of its affordable housing projects, resulting in 15% to 18% reductions in the buildings.

Climathon is an international competition in which cities around the globe propose problems they’d like to solve, and local teams organize for a twenty-four hour hackathon to create solutions. Each year, teams can compete for the Climathon Global Awards;  its Facebook page has some videos and posts about past winners. You can search their website for previous work in a variety of categories. They have an FAQ for organizers with links at the bottom of the page to some resources they provide, including a manual for organizers.

Ann Arbor has a Resident Race to Zero Home Energy Challenge with cash prizes and free home energy evaluations for some participants. It runs a Zero Waste Challenge, and a challenge about eating more plant based foods as well.

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