A5.1 Reforestation & afforestation program *
Develop a coordinated reforestation/afforestation program. Begin by identifying priority areas where reforestation and afforestation may have carbon reduction benefits.
A5.2 Community forests
Support/expand community forests that consider carbon sequestration in their management goals.
A5.3 Long-rotation timber
Lengthen the rotation of timber harvesting in Thurston County.
A5.4 Monetize ecosystem services
Expand market-based approaches (e.g., carbon credits trading) for ecosystem services.
A5.5 Species mix
Develop species mixes for reforestation or afforestation that result in high-density carbon sequestration.
A5.6 Small forester education
Deploy an educational program for smaller foresters to increase understanding of carbon sequestration, emphasizing the better performance of mature rather than young trees.
A5.7 Increase sequestration on State lands
Lobby Washington State legislature in support of bills that positively affect carbon balance on state-managed lands.
A5.8 Slash-to-biochar (See A2.3 Biochar.)
Process slash to biochar and apply in forestry or agricultural settings.
A5.9 Slash-to-fuel
Utilize slash as fuel in forestry equipment.
A5.10 Cross-laminated timber
Increase allowances for cross-laminated timber in building code.
A5.11 Carbon in the CAO
Authorize carbon as a justification for critical areas ordinance protection.
A5._ Use Ecosia
A search engine that uses a lot of its profits to plant trees.