Green Economy

G2: Green economy

Community maintains a website with a range of resources.
(See also B3.1 Energy Education*)

G2.1 Clean energy economy
Set policy that requires recruitment and retention practices for clean energy economy companies.

G2.2 Sustainable businesses
Develop a green guide for area business leaders.

G2.3 Clean economy roundtables
Organize and facilitate roundtables with business leaders focused on clean economy strategies.

G2.4 Technical clearinghouse
Have TRPC or another entity function as a clearinghouse for technical roadblocks to cleantech development.

G2.5 Cleantech business park
Develop  a “cleantech” business park and provide incentives (tax, utility) for green business that co-locate.

G2.6 Training diversification
Work with the Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board (WTB) to ensure a wide variety of green jobs is part of workforce training.

G2.7 Jobs leadership
Provide technical assistance to local businesses to generate green jobs and practices.

G2._ Renewables training
Provide job training for employment in renewable energy industry.

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