Cost Benefit Estimates

The climate mitigation plan is only going to include the consultant’s professional judgements about the potential reductions in 2030 and 2050 from ambitious implementation of all the actions targeting each of a number of general categories like “passenger vehicle use” (5% and 20%) and “residential electricity” (20% and 30%). It’s not going to include estimates for the potential reductions or costs of any particular actions, but it’s hard to make decisions about how to allocate our limited financial and political resources without those. Here are a few estimates I’ve done; I’d really appreciate any suggestions about how to improve them (and email about errors, if there are any).

To reduce emissions 1,000 tonnes per year…

Estimates for EVs in Thurston County

Estimates for Commute Trip Reduction

Residential Solar Panels

Community Solar Project

Local Density and Smart Growth

Forest Sequestration

Agricultural Sequestration


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